Order of Service
–Prayer Focus of the Week: Community – Living as Family
–Scripture Reading:Philippians 1:3-7 (ESV)
3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7 It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.
–Worship through Music
Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
Praise is rising
Eyes are turning to You
We turn to You
Hope is stirring
Hearts are yearning for You
We long for You
‘Cause when we see You
We find strength to face the day
In Your presence
All our fears are washed away
(Washed away)
Hosanna, hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus
Hear the sound of
Hearts returning to You
We turn to You
In Your Kingdom
Broken lives are made new
You make us new
‘Cause when we see You
We find strength to face the day
In Your presence
All our fears are washed away
(Washed away)
Hosanna, hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus
Great Are You Lord
You give life You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope You restore ev’ry heart that is broken
And great are You Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry these bones will sing
Great are You Lord
–Message: Pastor Trace (Q&A number – 858-210-9041)
–Response Song
I worship You Almighty God
I worship You Almighty God
There is none like You
I worship You O Prince of Peace
That is what I want to do
I give You praise
For You are my righteousness
I worship You Almighty God
There is none like You
–Lord’s Supper
–Q&A Time
Marriage Enrichment – Pillar Church is hosting a marriage enrichment event called Firm Foundations: Building a Stronger Marriage, on June 18th from 9am-12pm. Topics will include: Healthy Conflict Resolution, Growing Deeper in Love, Communication & Expectations, concluding with a Q&A panel comprised of a variety of married couples. We want to serve the community, but we also want to be a blessing to our church family. Everyone is invited to join us. Childcare is provided. Sign up HERE.
Food Distribution – Wednesday, June8th we will be having our bi-weekly food distribution at Del Rio Elementary. If you are able to come out to help distribute we meet in the backside parking lot at 9am. We would love extra hands this week, as our Tri-City Pantry liason will not be there. Also, if you know of anyone who may be in need of groceries please pass this along! Please contact Trace @ 760-505-0843 if you have any questions.
Come Hungry – Now that Life Groups have concluded for the summer, we turn our attention to getting to know one another in a different setting. We call it COME HUNGRY. We will come hungry every other Sunday throughout the summer and for the remaining Come Hungries we need hosts! Hosts will be responsible for choosing a theme for the potluck and providing a portion of the main meal, and you can either host at your home or at the park.
There is a signup sheet available or you can contact Jacque Martin at (619) 890-9534 or [email protected] if you’d like to host a Come Hungry.
June 12th
June 26th
July 10
July 24
August 7
August 21
Giving – There are several ways to give at Pillar Church. Click here to give online, or you may drop your offering in the box located on the Welcome Table. Thank you for your contribution!
Fight Clubs are same-gender groups of about three people encouraging each other to live a life aligned with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The ultimate goal is to love Jesus more, through our affection for him and our allegiance to him, by helping each other rehearse the gospel and fight sin. Fight Clubs strive to meet at least twice a month for an intentional, focused time devoted to the word and genuine fellowship. For more information or to sign up contact:
Ladies – Carmen Aponte – [email protected]
Men – Trace Martinez – [email protected]
Email List – Want to receive weekly email updates from Pillar Church? Join our email list by signing up here. Don’t miss out on what’s going on each week! Also, join our Band group to get more connected. Text 760-505-0843 for an invite link.