April 28, 2024 Bulletin

Order of Service 

-Prayer Focus of the Week
-Scripture Reading
-Worship through Music
-Response Song
-Lord’s Supper
-Question & Answer Time

National Day of Prayer
Since 1952, the first Thursday of May has been designated as the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans. It is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds. Mrs. Shirley Dobson, NDP chairman emeritus, reminded us: “We have lost many of our freedoms in America because we have been asleep. I feel if we do not become involved and support the annual National Day of Prayer, we could end up forfeiting this freedom, too.”

On Thursday May 2nd, Christians around our country will gather and pray together. In Oceanside, that gathering will be at 6pm at El Corazon Senior Center (located here). We encourage you to consider joining us and praying with believers from a wide spectrum of God’s church. Stand up in prayer.

Big Sunday 
The 1st Sunday of every month is “Big Sunday” at Pillar Church and things may look a little different than our typical church day!

Here’s what you can expect:

   –Treeehouse class will be joining us in service. Be sure to take notes (there are sheets printed for you on the book table). If you bring your notes to show Mrs. Kristy after service, you can choose something from the Treasure Box!
   -Hospitality Table Potluck! If you would like to bring a breakfast item or dish to share on the hospitality table you are encouraged to do so! If you’re able to bring a breakfast dish to share with the congregation, please bring it by 9:30am so we can enjoy it before service.
   -Grab a name tag from the Welcome Table. We want to take the opportunity each month to have a visual on those names you need a little help remembering.

Life Groups
We have two groups meeting during the week and are both open to anyone who’d like to study the word and get to know people on a deeper level.

Wednesday Nights at the Furtados, 155 McKinley, Oceanside facilitated by Trace Martinez

Friday Nights at the Massies, 1615 Calle Las Casas, Oceanside facilitated by the Massies

Both groups meet at 6pm and have a potluck followed by a study. The Wednesday night potluck is dinner, while the Friday night potluck is dessert only.

Our Life Groups are designed to grow us spiritually, relationally, and numerically. We will cover a wide variety of topics in these mid-week sessions that will increase your biblical knowledge. You will also have the opportunity to grow in relationships with other church members as you “do life” together with them. Lastly, we must be regularly reminded that God is at work ADDING TO his family. His mission to grow his family is our mission too.

Volunteers – 
We need volunteers! If you are not serving yet, would you consider getting plugged into one of our ministry areas?

  • Children’s Ministry – please click this link and fill out the short interest form if you would like to serve in the Children’s Ministry.
  • Hospitality Team – If you are interested in serving in Hospitality (food and coffee service on Sunday morning), please contact Jacque Martin at 619-890-9534 or jqmartin26@gmail.com.
  • Welcome Team (greeting and communion preparation/cleanup) – Please contact Julie Anguiano 760-726-4080 or janguiano7@hotmail.com.
  • Worship Team – If you sing or play an instrument and would like to be part of our Worship Team, please contact Audrey Young at 760-717-9299 or audrey_lee@hotmail.com.
  • Sound & Media Team – If you have any experience running a soundboard (or would like to get trained) or would be interested in joining our Media Team (preparing and running the slides each Sunday during service), please contact Trace Martinez at 760-505-0843 or trace@pillaroceanside.com.

Fight Clubs are same-gender groups of about three people encouraging each other to live a life aligned with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The ultimate goal is to love Jesus more, through our affection for him and our allegiance to him, by helping each other rehearse the gospel and fight sin. Fight Clubs strive to meet at least twice a month for an intentional, focused time devoted to the word and genuine fellowship. For more information or to sign up contact:

Ladies – Carmen Aponte – caponte@lpsi.com

Men – Trace Martinez – trace@pillaroceanside.com 

Self-Assessment Link Here 

Meet-up Guide Link Here

There are several ways to give at Pillar Church. Click here to give online, or you may drop your offering in the box located on the Welcome Table. Thank you for your contribution!

Email List
Want to receive weekly email updates from Pillar Church? Join our email list by signing up here. Don’t miss out on what’s going on each week! Also, join our Band group to get more connected. Text 760-505-0843 for an invite link.    


1st – Wednesday Night Life Group
2nd – National Day of Prayer (6pm)
3rd – Friday Night Life Group
5th – Big Sunday