Order of Service
Prayer Focus of the Week: Missionaries and Agencies
Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:19-24
19 By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; 20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. 21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; 22 and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. 23 And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. 24 Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us.
Worship Songs:
Sing to the King
Sing to the King Who is coming to reign
Glory to Jesus the Lamb that was slain
Life and salvation His empire shall bring
And joy to the nations when Jesus is King
Come let us sing a song
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
He is all we need
Lift up a heart of praise
Sing now with voices raised to Jesus
Sing to the King
For His returning we watch and we pray
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We’ll join in singing with all the redeemed
‘Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King
How Great is Our God
The splendor of the King
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps Himself in light
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
And trembles at His voice
How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see how great
How great is our God
And age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the End
Beginning and the End
The Godhead three in one
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see how great
How great is our God
Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God
CCLI License # 11157699
Message: Pastor Trace Martinez – John 5:1-18
Lord’s Supper: Pastor Mark Miller
Q&A Time: Phone number for texting questions is (858) 210-9041
COVID 1 Year Later: What has God Done? – We are not the same as we were 1 year ago. So much has changed and the circumstances we have pushed through over the last 12 months have put us in a new place. But God has been at work among us the entire time. On March 15th, 2020 during our first online service, Trace challenged all of us to write a list of what we wanted to use the newfound time we had by way of quarantine and sheltering in place. Here is a quote from the email that went out on March 13th, 2020 –
“This is a very unique time in history, and we feel strongly that these circumstances can be leveraged for our good and God’s glory.”
Well, one year later we want to celebrate what the Lord has done among us. We are looking for a few people that would be willing to briefly share a story/testimony of what God has done in your life as a result of (or in spite of) the pandemic. This will happen during our service next Sunday, March 14th. Please see Trace if you’d like to publicly express your joy and appreciation for God’s faithfulness. After service, we will be having a pizza lunch provided by the church. Please join us for that as well.
Ladies Group – This month the ladies will be meeting on Saturday, March 13th @10am at Adri Furtado’s for devotional, prayer, and to put together our Easter basket donations. If you still wanted to donate towards the Easter baskets please contact Adri as soon as possible or you can give in the offering. For questions and address, please contact Adri Furtado at 760-429-5292.

Life Groups – Life Groups are on a short break until the week of March 21. Stay tuned for more information on new session information.